Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

Video from YouTube: When is the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period… and why is it important to you? The Medicare Annual Enrollment period runs from October 15th through December 7th each year. The Annual Enrollment Period is only extended beyond December 7th when FEMA...

Hear testimonial from our client, Dan Williams!

Video from YouTube:  This Testimonial reveals how Dan has used his whiteboard videos to spur discussions and expand his reach! Whiteboard Videos for Reverse Mortgage, Financial Advisors, Loan Officers, and Medicare Insurance. ******* To find out more about how to use...

Reverse Mortgages- The Sandwich Generation

Video on YouTube Channel:  Video Transcript: If you’re part of the “Sandwich Generation”, meaning your parents are over 65 and you’re raising your own children, you face a difficult choice. You’re trying to balance the funding needs of your own family against the...

How Money Savvy are You? – For Women

Watch video on YouTube: You don’t have to be a math whiz or know how to pick stocks to become savvy about money. Being savvy about money is more about being engaged, understanding what you want and having a plan designed for your life. And it all starts with your...