Video Transcript:

The roller coaster of the past 3 months leaves many with the same basic questions.

QUESTION 1: Am I taking too much risk in my portfolio? In other words, are you taking on risk of major loss because you want to “run up the score” with your wealth? Answer: If there were ever a time to take only the amount of risk of major loss that is absolutely necessary, it is now.

QUESTION 2: Why do I own what I own? Chances are, you’re holding underperforming funds, and the wrong asset classes in your portfolio. Why? Answer: Getting your asset allocation correct can help boost your portfolio’s performance.

QUESTION 3: What if we get another selloff like earlier this year (or worse), what’s the plan, given the warning shot we just witnessed? Hope is not an investment strategy. Your first priority when starting or continuing an investment plan is to design your “escape hatch” plan.

Have Wealthabundance Wealth Management put these questions to rest. To maximize your portfolio, and get your asset allocation right, call or email Wealthabundance Wealth Management today


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