Video Transcript:
Do you need a financial education presentation for your employees or do you need a speaker for a group you are in? Are you looking for something that is both educational and informative? Do you need a financial education presentation for your employees or do you need a speaker for a group you are in? Are you looking for something that is both educational and informative? The professional staff at Capital Asset Management, Inc. may have the program you need. We have many interesting presentations available. Most programs take about an hour to complete including question and answer time and include printed handouts for the audience to take home.
Our most sought after programs include:
The Savvy Social Security Planning – What Baby Boomers need to know to maximize their benefits.
The Baby Boomers Guide to Medicare – Managing health care expenses in retirement.
One hour to Savvy Cyber Security – Threats every person and business face and how to fight them now.
If you would like to find out what options are available to you, please give us a call at (405) 947-2913 or visit our website at
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