Medicare – Avoid Medical Identity Theft

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Medical identity theft is a serious, and growing, business. One study reports that over 2 million cases are identified each year, and the number keeps rising. When thieves steal your medical identity, it can endanger not only your finances but also threaten your health. They may use your name or health insurance to see a doctor, get prescription drugs, file phony claims with your insurance provider, or illegally acquire government benefits such as Medicare or Medicaid. If their health information is mixed with yours, your medical treatment, insurance and credit report may be adversely affected.  

Some warning signs of medical identity theft include a bill for services you didn’t receive, a debt collection company calling for money you don’t owe or your insurance company telling you you’ve reached your limit on medical benefits. 

Here are some steps to avoid medical identity theft:  Protect your Medicare and other health insurance cards.  and review your medical bills regularly for suspicious charges. Beware of offers of free medical goods or services in exchange for your Medicare number. Shred all papers with your medical identity and destroy labels on prescription bottles before throwing them away.  

For more information on how to protect yourself from identity theft, please give our office a call today. 


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Video Lesson – Reverse vs Traditional Mortgages

Video Lesson – Reverse vs Traditional Mortgages

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Reverse Mortgage, Financial Advisors, Loan Officers, and Medicare Insurance.


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Social Media Video Content – Purchasing Guide for the First Time Homebuyer

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For a first-time home buyer, the home financing process can seem complex and somewhat confusing. But once you understand the steps involved, guided by your loan officer, your first mortgage experience is more likely to be a smooth one. Here’s a snapshot of how the process works. 

As the homebuyer, you obtain pre-qualification from a lender, and then the home you’ve chosen is purchased with the assistance of one of our real estate professionals. When the contract is accepted, the home is placed in escrow, and the loan application is then submitted to the lender. The lender then orders a title search and a property appraisal. Your loan materials are reviewed, processed, and finally submitted for underwriting and approval. The closing agent explains all the documents and ensures both you and your attorney have a chance to review them. The agent makes sure everything is ready for signing and recording and collects funds for various fees and expenses for proper disbursement. Your loan documents are then signed, and the loan is funded and recorded. Congratulations! You get the keys to your new home! Need help purchasing your first home? Call us today. 


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Medicare Agent and Brokers – Social Media Video

Choosing the right Medicare plan is important to maintaining continued good health. A Licensed Agent or a Licensed Broker can help with your search – but they operate differently. 

An agent can match you with an appropriate Medicare program, but only those offered by a single insurance provider. That is called a “captive agent.” You may find a program that meets your needs, but your choices are limited to only those offered by that one carrier. A Licensed Broker can provide a choice of programs from a variety of carriers, providing you with more coverage options. A Broker is not tied to one provider’s offerings, so there’s a greater opportunity to find a program more precisely tailored to your medical needs. 

An independent Insurance Broker can provide you with more choices, more personalized coverage, and the objective guidance you need… all at no cost to you.  

To take advantage of a year-round, personal guide through the maze of Medicare, call us today. 


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Mortgage Insurance – Video Tip for Social Media

Mortgage Insurance – Video Tip for Social Media

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For many people, their home is their most valuable asset. But what if you’re injured or lose your job and can’t make your mortgage payments? 

A mortgage insurance policy can help keep your home from falling into foreclosure. Private mortgage insurance policies, known as PMIs, are designed to reimburse the lender should you default on your mortgage payment. PMIs reduce the risk to the lender and are required when a borrower puts down less than 20% on a home. Although payments go to the lender and not the borrower, it allows some homebuyers to qualify for a mortgage who normally would not. But, depending on the amount of your down payment, you may be required to carry home insurance and mortgage insurance. 

To find out more about mortgage insurance, call us today. 


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Financial Advisor – Asset Allocation and Investing

Why is Asset Allocation Important to Investing?

To keep your investment portfolio on target for financial goals, you want to balance risk and diversify your assets. That’s the purpose of asset allocation – the process of dividing your portfolio among major categories like cash, stocks and bonds. Historically, the returns of these three major asset categories have not moved up and down at the same time – so including a mix of these assets in your portfolio can protect against losses. There is no perfect formula for asset allocation – it differs with each individual depending on their risk tolerance and time horizon. Risk tolerance is the amount of your investment you’re willing, or able, to lose in exchange for greater possible returns.  Risk tolerance is closely tied to time horizon, or the amount of time you have to invest. An investor saving to make a down payment on a home in 5 years might choose less risky investments than someone saving for retirement in 20 years. A longer time horizon allows more time to recover from loss. Asset allocation may be one of the most important investment decisions you make with your portfolio – call us today to learn more. 

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Medicare – Video Tips and social media posts

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period – Whiteboard Video:

What is the Medicare Open Enrollment Period… and what coverage changes can you make? If by Open Enrollment you mean the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, from October 15th through December 7th each year, you can make changes to your current Medicare Advantage Program or Part D drug plan.   

However, if you’re already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, your Open Enrollment window is from January 1 to March 31. During this period, you can switch Medicare Advantage Plans, leave your plan to return to Original Medicare with or without drug coverage, or just change your Medicare Advantage Drug Plan.  

Finally, there is the Medicare Supplement or Medigap Open Enrollment Period that occurs once in a lifetime, unless you are collecting Social Security Disability Benefits. It begins on your Medicare Part B effective date, usually the first day of the month after you turn 65, and you don’t have to answer any health questions to qualify. Choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan during the Medigap Open Enrollment Period offers you the best chance to find a plan in your area that offers the coverage you need at the lowest cost. After six months, your window of opportunity closes, and you’ll have to answer health questions if you want to apply.   

Navigating all these different Open Enrollment Periods can be confusing. There are also special circumstances that can affect the SEP timelines – and your eligibility – that your advisor can make you aware of.  

Let us help you with your important Medicare decisions. Call to speak to a licensed insurance agent. 

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Reverse Mortage Marketing Content

Who Qualifies for a Reverse Mortgage – Video tip:

If you’re considering a reverse mortgage to help fund your retirement, you may be wondering, “How do I qualify?” To be eligible for a typical reverse mortgage, you must be at least 62 years of age, but for a “Jumbo” reverse mortgage – typically used for high end, premium properties – the age limit can be as low as 55. The younger you are, the less equity you’ll be able to borrow. 

In both cases, depending on age, the borrower must generally have 50% or more equity in the home, and it must serve as their primary residence. Additionally, they must keep up with the loan obligations of keeping the home well maintained, and paying property taxes and homeowners’ insurance. 

To assure borrowers fully understand this type of loan, they are required to attend a HUD-mandated counseling session with a certified counselor of their choosing who will answer any concerns or questions the borrower may have. In addition, a financial assessment is conducted to ensure the borrower can meet the loan obligations and has not incurred either a foreclosure or a bankruptcy within a certain period prior to the loan. Also, in order to qualify, they must not be found to be delinquent on any federal debt. To find out more about reverse mortgage qualifications, call us today. 

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Fixed Indexed Annuities – Marketing Video Content

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These days it’s tough to decide to stay invested in the stock market, while you hope for gains… but fear a market loss. A Fixed Indexed Annuity can offer you protection against stock market losses, while offering you the potential to profit from the market’s gains. Indexed annuities offer a minimum guaranteed interest rate, combined with an interest rate tied to a stock market index, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. So, instead of counting on the performance of a single stock, you can select a single index for your funds or spread your dollars across several indexes. Depending on the annuity, some crediting strategies allow for greater upside potential, while others lock in a gain up to a certain percentage. Most importantly, while you’re free to participate in market gains, you will never lose a dime due to market loss. Fixed Indexed Annuities are a great way to diversify your portfolio, mitigate risk, and stay positioned for the next market gain. To find out more about Fixed Indexed Annuities, call us today. 


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Video Marketing for Retirement Planning

Which Retirement Plan Should I Choose?


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Choosing a retirement plan is a great step toward financial security. There are several types available, but here are the most common: 

401(k)s and 403(b)s are plans offered by employers. 401(k)s are offered by for-profit companies, and 403(b)s are offered by public schools and some non-profit organizations. Contributions are deducted from your paycheck and are often matched by employers. They’re deducted pre-tax, grow tax-deferred and are taxable on withdrawal.  

Traditional IRAs, or Individual Retirement Accounts, are opened by individuals through an investment firm or bank. They may be tax deductible, grow tax-deferred and you pay tax when you take the money out.  

A SIMPLE IRA plan is similar to a traditional IRA, but these accounts are set up by a small business owner, and usually permit larger contribution amounts. 

And lastly, when you open a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, the money grows tax-free, and you pay no tax on withdrawals. All these types of accounts have their own set of rules on eligibility, contribution amounts and withdrawals. 

For more information on retirement plans – give us a call today or visit our website! 


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