Video Transcript:

Most people don’t understand how annuities work. Here are four common myths about annuities that we’d like to clear up.

Myth number One – they’re too complicated. Actually they’re simple, you give money to the insurance company, and they give you a contract that guarantees interest, income or income for life.

Myth number Two – there are hidden expenses. Every annuity comes with documents that outline any fees, charges or expenses.

Some have few to none and less costly fees than say, mutual funds and brokerage fees associated with portfolio management.

Myth number Three – the fees are high. While they may seem higher compared to other products, annuities provide benefits the others don’t, such as principal protection, guaranteed income and opportunities for increases.

Myth number Four – the insurance company keeps your money when you die.

Today’s annuities are very flexible, and offer numerous options to provide for beneficiaries.

To learn more about annuities and the right options for you, give us a call or visit our website today.

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