Video Transcript:

The vast majority of investors have been taught, throughout the years, that to be an investor and build a wealthy retirement, you have to do certain things:

1) You have to pick the right stocks
2) You have to know when to get in and get out of the market
3) You have to rely on past performance of a stock or mutual fund, or just get lucky.

Wall Street and brokers have been feeding investors these lies for decades, meanwhile transferring your wealth to them through commissions and fees!

Sophisticated investors focus on strategies that actually put the wealth back into their pockets.

These investors dismiss Stock-picking, as it only accounts for about 4 and a half percent of a portfolio’s performance.

These investors dismiss trying to time the market, as that practice only accounts for about 2% of a portfolio’s performance.

These investors dismiss relying on Past Performance, or luck, as that practice accounts for about 2% of a portfolio’s performance.

The smart investors focus on Asset Allocation, as that accounts for almost 92% of a portfolio’s performance!

So, do you want to focus on Asset Allocation, that drives your portfolio’s return, or do you want to focus on the factors that destroy your wealth?

To learn more about maximizing your portfolio, give us a call or visit our website today!

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