Choosing the right Medicare plan is important to maintaining continued good health. A Licensed Agent or a Licensed Broker can help with your search – but they operate differently. 

An agent can match you with an appropriate Medicare program, but only those offered by a single insurance provider. That is called a “captive agent.” You may find a program that meets your needs, but your choices are limited to only those offered by that one carrier. A Licensed Broker can provide a choice of programs from a variety of carriers, providing you with more coverage options. A Broker is not tied to one provider’s offerings, so there’s a greater opportunity to find a program more precisely tailored to your medical needs. 

An independent Insurance Broker can provide you with more choices, more personalized coverage, and the objective guidance you need… all at no cost to you.  

To take advantage of a year-round, personal guide through the maze of Medicare, call us today. 


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